About Us

The Department of English, one of the oldest departments of the Union Christian College has been functioning since 1921. The Post graduate course in English Language and Literature was started in 1968. The Department has been a Research Centre since 1990, with many scholars working under the supervision of the approved research guides of our faculty.
In the tradition of stalwarts like Prof. Malcolm Muggeridge and Prof. Aravamunda Iyyengar, pioneers of the Department and Prof. C. I Benjamin, Prof. E. Narayanan Nambiar and Prof. G. D. Gabriel who continued the legacy, we have a team of committed, accomplished teachers who look beyond pure academics to the holistic nurturing of our students. We aim to provide academic excellence by laying a strong grounding in literary theory, language and literature while encouraging our students to think outside the box and cultivate a critical acumen. We also train our students to excel in their communication and interpersonal skills.
The Department holds a high ranking among the colleges of M.G. University with regard to academic results and comes within the top six colleges of the University. We successfully train our students to get admission for P.G courses in the premier institutions of India like E.F.L.U, H.C.U, Delhi University, Central University, Pondicherry, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi etc. Our Postgraduate students are well placed in different walks of life.
The greatest strength of the Department is our very eminent alumni who, as teachers, research scholars, administrators, journalists, media personnels, IAS officers and bank officials, have gone forth into the world to make a difference to the community.